How to do long division.We learned how to do it STEP-by-STEP Does McDonald’s Sell Cheese Burgers Really?D is for divide M is for multiply S is for subtract C is for compare B is for bring down R is for repeat.This year we also have learned about angles and the different type of angles.There is right,acute,obtuse angle.A right angle is 90 degrees. An acute angle is LESS than 90 degrees.An obtuse angle is MORE than 90 degrees.You measure angles with a tool called a protractor.A protractor comes in whole and half circles.But the one we use mostly is the half circled one.In the middle of the school year we learned cross multiplication. You take 2 fractions and if you want to know if they are equal the you take the bottom number and the top of the 2nd number and multiply those together.And you do the same thing with the other one.And if one is bigger than the other one then they are not equal.We also learned how to use calculators.The MT button saves your answer when you finished the problem.You can push the MRC button and if it doesn’t change then you got it right but if it does change then you got the problem wrong.And then there is volume there is really nothing we learned about volume except that to get the volume of a 3D shape you multiply length width and height. Here are some examples of some things I told you about.